Saturday, May 24, 2008

Just Checking In

Dr Dork has been on an extended sojourn, but hasn't fallen off the face of the earth quite yet.

You have been warned, previously, that this blog is itinerant at best.

Kind regards to fellow travellers upon unsettled seas.



The MSILF said...

Can't wait to hear from you again!

jmb said...

As you can see, some of us have not given up on you. Itinerant is rather euphemistic I would say for a hiatus of eight months. Are you writing a book instead?
Take care Dr Dork.

Mama Mia said...

Hooray - he is here!!

εξωσωματική γονιμοποίηση στην Ελλάδα said...


I think you cannot wait to hear.

Health Psych said...

Been checking...took me a while to note the update though. Good to see you haven't, in fact, fallen off the face of the earth. Look forward to more and when...

Anonymous said...

come back you are so HOT!

Bo... said...

Glad you're still around--hope you're doing alright. (And I'm definitely one of those on unsettled seas, heh!)

Bo... said...

Good heavens, I just saw the comment up above telling you that you are "hot"---is there a "story" there, hee hee?

Health Psych said...

Still checking in from time to time...for the merest hint of dorkiness from under that rock...Seasons Greetings to you, Dr. Dork. Hope all is well,

Deb S. said...

Just stopping by to stay Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Dr Dork said...

Thanks HP and Deb.

Happy Christmas/Hanukkah/Festivus.

Best wishes


Deb S. said...

Yay!!!! Woo hoo! (Thinking of you with a smile.)

Deb S. said...

Happy New Year, Dr Dork!

Dr Dork said...

And my warm regards to you, Dr Deb, as always.

Dork said...

hasil cambodia 2025 said...

keluar cambodia 2025

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